Who is Onno W Purbo

Posted on Wednesday, June 10, 2009 by indrai

Widodo Onno Purbo (born in Bandung on 17 August 1962) was a leader (later better known as a specialist in the area) information technology origin Indonesia.

Onno's father, Hasan Poerbo, is a professor in the environmental field ITB. Robstah ITB entry on the faculty of Electrical Engineering in 1981.

Six years later,he pass with the Best Predicate. After that, Onno goes to study in Canada with a scholarship from the PAU-ME.

RT / RW-Net is one of the many ideas Onno, who fret Internet History of Indonesia.

He is also active in writing the information technology media, seminars, national and international conferences.

Believe filosofy copyleft, many published writings on the internet for free.

Brief resume
  • Former Civil Affairs Officer, since February 2000.
  • Former Lecturer in the Bandung Institute of Technology, since February 2000. Based on the Decree No Education. 533/K01.2/KP. 04.2/SK/2000 dated 28 February 2000 on Dismissal with Hormat as Civil Affairs Officers by Prof. Djoko Santoso M.Sc. a.n. Education.
  • Writer of information technology.

  • 1987 S1 Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) Department of Electrical Engineering. Title duty end "design and implementation of a series of canals and RS232C 8 program for praktikum" under the guidance of Prof.. DR. Samaun Samadikun and DR. Adang Suwandi.
  • 1989 S2 (M. Eng) McMaster University, Canada - Laser Semiconductors. Title thesis "Numerical models for degenerate Semiconductor diodes and heterostructure" under the guidance of Prof.. DR. D. T. Cassidy, and Prof. DR. S.H. Chisholm.
  • 1993 S3 (Ph.D) University of Waterloo, Canada - Technology for Integrated Series of Satellites. Title thesis "Studies on Polysilicon Emitter Transistors made on Zone-Melting-Recrystallized Silicon-on-Insulato r" under the guidance of Prof.. DR. C.R. Selvakumar.


Muhammad Yunus and Onno W. Purbo, Harvard 09/2003, receive several awards / recognition of national and international level, such as,
  • 1987, Graduate Open, Department of Electrical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology
  • 1992, Log In book "American Men and Women of Science", RRBowker, New York (United States).
  • 1994 Profile, Research, Dec 1994 KOMPAS 26.
  • 1996, Receive "Adhicipta Engineering", the engineer from India.
  • 1997, Receive "ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award", from the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organization (AFEO).
  • 2000, Log In Lampung, Indonesia XXI Century: In the Middle siege Global Change ", Editor Ninok Leksono, KOMPAS.
  • 2002, Eisenhower Fellow, of the Eisenhower Fellowship (United States).
  • 2003, Sabbatical Award, from the International Development Research Center (IDRC) (Canada).
  • 2005, Ashoka Senior Fellow, Ashoka's (United States).
  • 2008, Receive "Exclusive Gadgets Appreciation Award", from Gadget Magazine.
  • 2008, Receive "IGOS Summit 2 Award", from MENKOMINFO "On the Spirit and Struggle of the Open Source distribution in Indonesia."
  • 2008, Log In Lampung, Indonesia 100 Innovators ", Business Innovation Center.
  • 2008, Receive Degree "The Hero Generation Now" from Modernisator.


Writing more than 40 titles with topics about technology, Internet, Open Source, Linux, Network Security, Wireless Internet, Internet Phone (VoIP) .

Some of them were in English and can be downloaded on the Internet. Some of the book is,
  • 1998, Onno W. Purbo, Gadang Ramantoko, Khrisnahadi Private, Bobby Nazief, "Nusantara 21 conceptual framework", Telecommunications R & D Information Foundation.
  • 1998, Onno W. Purbo, Ismail Fahmi, Akhmad Husni Thamrin, Adnan Basalamah, "TCP / IP: Design Concept and Implementation", Computer Elexmedia.
  • 2000, Onno W. Purbo, "Public Internet Technology", Computer Elexmedia.
  • 2000, Onno W. Purbo and Akhmad Daniel Sembiring, "RedHat Linux", Computer Elexmedia.
  • 2001, Thabratas Tharom and Onno W. Purbo, "VOIP: Voice over Internet Protocol", Computer Elexmedia.
  • 2001, Onno W. Purbo and Akhmad Daniel Sembiring, "Apache Web Server", Computer Elexmedia.
  • 2002, Onno W. Purbo, "Through Internet Video Conference," Andi Publisher.
  • 2003, Onno W. Purbo, "Philosophy of Life World Cyber naive", Republika Publisher.
  • 2003, Onno W. Purbo, "Infrastructure Wireless Internet Speed 11-22Mbps," Andi Publisher.
  • 2004, Samuel Prakoso, tomy and Onno W. Purbo, "Practical Guide Using E-mail Server Qmail," Elexmedia Computer.
  • 2004, Onno W. Purbo, "Practical Guide to Internet Telephony", International Development Research Center.
  • 2004, Onno W. Purbo, "Practical Guide To Build A WiFi Infrastructure", International Development Research Center.
  • 2005, Onno W. Purbo, "Handbook Internet and Wireless Hotspot," Elexmedia Computer.
  • 2006, Onno W. Purbo, "PC Cloning Windows pakai Linux LTSP," Andi Publisher.
  • 2006, Onno W. Purbo, "User Handbook ADSL and Speedy," Elexmedia Computer.
  • 2007, Onno W. Purbo, "Handbook of VoIP embryo of Public Telkom," InfoKomputer.
  • 2007, Onno W. Purbo, "Practical Guide RT / RW-net", Infokomputer.
  • 2007, Onno W. Purbo, "Access the Internet Using 3G," CHIP.
  • 2007, "ICT Infrastructure in Emerging Asia: Policy and Regulatory Roadblocks', (co author) LIRNEAsia.
  • 2008, Onno W. Purbo, "Intel Platform Administration Technology," Andi Publisher.
  • 2008, Onno W. Purbo, "Easy Guide to install the server up + linux", Penerbit Andi.
  • 2008, Onno W. Purbo, "Developing a community broadcast FM station," Andi Publisher.
  • 2009, Onno W. Purbo, "Come to block the negative site," Andi Publisher.

Publications International

Some snippets international publications that have been made is,
  • Onno W. Purbo, D.T. Cassidy and S.H. Chisholm, "Numerical model for degenerate and Semiconductor heterostructure devices," J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, no. 10, pp. 5078-5082, 15 November 1989.
  • Onno W. Purbo and C.R. Selvakumar, "Simultaneous extraction of hole barrier height and interfacial oxide thickness in polysilicon emitter bipolar transistors," Solid State Electronics, Vol. 34, No. 8, pp. 821-826, 1991.
  • Onno W. Purbo and C.R. Selvakumar, "High gain SOI polysilicon emitter transistors," IEEE Electron Device Letter, Vol. 12, No. 11, pp. 635-637,1991.
  • Onno W. Purbo and Adang Suwandi, "Automation Characterization of Bipolar transistors," IEEE conference, Kuala Lumpur, 1992.
  • Onno W. Purbo, "Development of Low Cost Wide Area Network in Indonesia," Journal of Scientific Indonesia, Vol. 1, No. 1, October 1991.
  • Onno W. Purbo, "SOI transistors for high speed devices and satellite applications," Journal of Scientific Indonesia, Vol. 1, No. 1, October 1991.
  • C.R. Selvakumar and Onno W. Purbo, "Polysilicon emitter bipolar transistor realized on Zone-Melting-Recrystallized Silicon-on-Insulator material," SPIE conference on "Emerging Optoelectronic Technologies" Bangalore, India, 16-21 December 1991.
  • Onno W. Purbo, C.R. Selvakumar and D. Misra (NJIT, USA), reactive Ion Etching of SOI (ZMR and SIMOX) Silicon in CF4 + O2 and SF6 + O2 Plasma Samurai, "the Fifth International Symposium on Silicon-on-r Insulato Technology and Devices of the Electrochemical Society, St . Louis, Missoury, 17-22 May 1992.
  • Onno W. Purbo, C.R. Selvakumar and D. Misra (NJIT, USA), reactive Ion Etching of SOI (SIMOX and ZMR) Silicon in Nitrogen containing CF4 + O2 and SF6 + O2 Plasma Samurai, "Journal of the Electrochemical Society, vol. 140, no. 9, pp. 2659-2668, 1993.
  • Onno W. Purbo, "An alternative approach to built low cost TCP / IP-based Wide Area Network in India," the South East Asia Regional Computer Confederation (SEARCC)'92 regional conference, Kuala Lumpur, 14 August 1992.
  • Onno W. Purbo, "The building of information infra-structure to sustain the current growth in Indonesia," The Canadian Association for Studies on International Development (CASID) conference, Carleton University, Ottawa, 7-9 June 1993.
  • Onno W. Purbo and C.R. Selvakumar, "Gamma radiation effects on ZMR-SOI Polysilicon Emitter Transistors," 1993 International Conference on Microelectronics, Dhahran, 14-16 December 1993.
  • Onno W. Purbo, "Low cost strategies for a sustainable information system microelectronics," MICRO'93, Surfers Paradise, Queensland, Australia 5-8 October 1993.
  • Onno W. Purbo, "A Unified Model of Early Voltage for Bipolar Transistors at low temperatures," the 3rd ASEAN regional seminars (TARSMIT 94) on Microelectronics and Information Technology, 9-11 August 1994, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Onno W. Purbo, "Early voltage of the ZMR-SOI polysilicon emitter transistors at low temperatures," the 3rd ASEAN regional seminars (TARSMIT 94) on Microelectronics and Information Technology, 9-11 August 1994, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Onno W. Purbo, F. Ihsan Hariadi Hutabarat & Mervin, "The microelectronics infrastructure in India," International Conference on Microelectronics 1994, Istambul, Turkey.
  • Onno W. Purbo, "The Computer Network Infrastructure Australia A's Report," Expert Group Meeting in the Development of RIHED Information Network on Higher Education, Bangkok, Thailand, March 14-16, 1995.
  • Budi Jatmiko, Abdul Basir, Eddy Yahya, Onno W. Purbo, and Ihsan Hariadi, "Optimizing temperature and time of phosphorous Diffusion in p / B type polycrystalline silicon substrate," International Conference on Microelectronics ICM'95, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Onno W. Purbo, Ichwan F. Agus, Hazairin Arman, A. Daniel Sembiring, Rudi Nursasono, Aulia K. Arief, Basuki Suhardiman, Zilmy Zamfarra, M. Halomoan Rambe, Februaris Purnomo, Bondan, Unedo Matondang, Denisz, Ismail Fahmi, Adnan, "Development of Computer Communication Network & its present status in India," The 4th ASEAN Science and Technology Week, 21 August - 1 September, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Soegiardjo Soegijoko, Onno W. Purbo, Widiadnyana Merati, Priyono Sutikno, Intan Achmad, "India's Computer Network", Asia Pacific Networking Group (APNG) Meeting, 22-24 January 1996, Singapore.
  • D. Misra, Onno W. Purbo, C.R. Selvakumar, "Reduction of damage in reactive Ion Etched Surfaces through modification Process," SPIE: Microelectronics Processing'93, Monterey, California, 27-29 September 1993.
  • Onno W. Purbo, "Korean Information Infrastructure & Strategy to implement the Electronics Data Interchange (EDI)," International Seminar on Electronic Data Interchange: Implementation in the Transport Sector, Yogyakarta 11-12 June 1997.
  • May 1998, led the writing of the script "conceptual framework: Indonesia 21" in the Telecommunication R & D Informatics Foundation (YLTI) .
  • 1999-2000, the Central Library Institute Technology Bandung (ITB) .
  • Never give Workshop Wireless Internet and VoIP in some countries, such as, South Africa, United States, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Denmark, Laos, India, Malaysia, Nepal, Thailand, East Timor, Tunis, etc..
  • Advisory Board Member of several national & International organizations, such as, Society Telematika (MASTEL), 2006.
  • UNDP Asia-Pacific Development Information Program (ADIP), 2006.

Write any posts & thousands of articles in various media, seminars, national and international conferences.

To get the posts can be retrieved for free at some sites, such as,

  • http://sandbox.bellanet.org/~onno/
  • http://www.ilmukomputer.com/
  • http://www.bogor.net/idkf/
  • http://onno.vlsm.org/
  • http://www.telkomspeedy.com/
  • http://opensource.telkomspeedy.com/


Active since September 2008 as a Qualified Trainer in Wireless University (http://www.wirelessu.org) training technology to provide wireless internet throughout the world.

On more than 180 on the Mailing List on the Internet. Moderators more than 11 mailing lists, including,
  • jasakom-perjuangan@yahoogroups.com
  • indowli@yahoogroups.com/
  • indowli@groups.or.id/
  • yogyafree@yahoogroups.com/
Receive an average of 1000 e-mail every day.

Active as a member ORARI (Organization Amateur Radio of Indonesia) since 1981.

Some of the nicknames that have been obtaining, YD1DAV, YC1DAV, YC1DAV/VE7, YC1DAV/VE3, and YC0MLC.

Served in management ORARI Local and Regional West Java and Jakarta.

Since 2006, became the coordinator of the Education & Training (Training) in charge of ORARI Center in hosting the material in several sites on the Internet.

Since mid 2007, constructing "Kelompok Remaja Melek IT " IT environment in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta.

Some his snippet idea's

The Samaun Samadikun I Know
Audit Research Society
Filosofy Cyberlaw Sederhana April 2008
Certification Pemasung Creativity & Small murderer April 2008
Towards an Alternative Path
Route To Beat Australia & Malaysia on the Internet in March 2004
Analysis of ICT Strategy in January 2007 Indonesia

Some his notes snippets travel


2004 February - Travel to Bangladesh Dakka
2004 March - Travel to Canada
2004 May - Travel to Bhutan
2006 April - Travel to Yale University United States
2007 May - Travel to Thailand
2008 January - Travel to East Timor
2008 May - Travel to Thailand


2004 September - Travel to Cirebon, Bandung, Sukabumi
2005 May - Traveling to 9 cities in Indonesia
2006 March - Travel to Tasikmalaya & Banyuwangi

Some very influential people who formed a private Onno W. Purbo,

Mr. Hasan Poerbo - His father gives a lot of inspiration to the Small People's .
Mr. Nurrahmat - Islamic religious teachers, during high school years 1977-1980s - to provide basic life & sense in addition to providing knowledge. His name on the left in one of his son Onno W. Purbo.
Mr. Samaun Samadikun - Final Project Builder in ITB & shaping of the soul Scientists & Professionalism.
Mr. Wiranto Arismunandar - Rector of ITB, while Onno W. Purbo a lecturer at the ITB. Inculcate a spirit statesman, not a bureaucrat.
Mr. Robby Soebiakto - Ordinary call in "Mas Robby," Senior amateur YB1BG Radio & Electrical Engineering Alumni ITB - direct Onno W. Purbo to deep science & technology, computer network that later became the basis of Wireless Internet in Indonesia.
Mr. Adang Suwandi - Final Project Builder in ITB & shaping life scientists.
Mr. Soegiardjo Soegidjoko - Lecturer in Electrical ITB, its advice the most in the mind "The God Calculator is never wrong for calculate".
Mr. Iskandar Alisjahbana - Ordinary call in "Om Is", Lecturer in Electrical ITB, Father & Bakhti Alisyahbana many prod / challenging a Onno W. Purbo to stimulate themselves.

Some of the activity that is not less important in shaping a personal Onno W. Purbo, among others is,
  • 1976-1979-an Gugus Scout Home 41 Bandung, GUDEP now is not there.
  • 1976-1979-an Taruna Hiking Club (THC) mountain climber in the group of junior-high school Taruna Bakti Bandung.
  • 1981-present Organization Amateur Radio of Indonesia (ORARI).
  • 1982-1984-an electron periodic magazine, Electrical Student Association (HME) ITB - now is not published. Experience as a magazine editorial staff implementing electrons into stock in the future as the author for berkiprah popular scientific field, particularly information technology.
  • 1983-1985-Establish an Activist & Computer Division at (DIVKOM), Electrical Student Association (HME) ITB.
  • 1984-1985-an active Amateur Radio Community in the ITB, with YC3NR Tjandra, Harya YC1HCE, etc. Daryono YC1DBA establish amateur Radio Club (ARC) ITB.
Establish the Division of Computer Experience (DIVKOM) HME ITB and amateur Radio Club (ARC) ITB in the future to be most valuable in the grass root communities in the field of information technology & sustainable self.

Some of the techniques in the IT community in the documentation http://opensource.telkomspeedy.com/speedyorari/index.php?dir=library/library-onno-eng/practical-guide-rebelnet/the-guide/alt-ict4d-route

Some sentences like that in,

"Do the first, Iqra"
"Value is not determined by the property, wealth, rank, position, degree, but more in the set by a person to benefit other people", citing from the Hadist.
"Doing what you love".
"The Good Calculator did not miscalculate".
"Either lead or follow but please don't block the road for those who would move forward", Phill Karn.

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